EVERYANGLE’s Social Distancing Video Intelligence

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Next up in the No Code Heroes series, is EVERYANGLE. The Irish computer vision applications developer has utilised no code developments to a provide a potentially lifesaving solution for thousands of shoppers worldwide.

Shopper Traffic Levels

EVERYANGLE has been selected to be part of a state-of-the-art trial aimed at protecting shoppers in more than 1,700 retail outlets. They are joining up with Leeds based analytics, BI and Reporting solutions provider, PanIntelligence and Silicon Valley export, smart camera provider Cisco Meraki to solve the new challenges that are facing the global retail environment. 

Problems have been made clear when shoppers are left unable to see how full supermarkets are, with no way of receiving real time information without first entering the premises. This forces shoppers to commit and pile in to stores, reducing the distance between themselves and fellow shoppers, packing the shop like a tin of sardines. Leaving the plan to social distance, shattered. 

The industry-leading computer vision solution will be integrated into plans to create a pioneering, in-store technology system that major retailers can use to ensure store occupancy remains below the recommended, safe amount. The intelligent software can be integrated with IoT assets, and linked with speakers, warning lights, door access controls and signage. Creating a smart building that reacts with real time insight to display vital information at the entrances to stores. Allowing shoppers to see when traffic is low, and it is safe to enter.

A No Code Solution

 No code has been instrumental in allowing the collaborating firms to find a solution and react to the fast-changing demands of the client. Six months ago, social distancing was inconceivable, in the months since then, governments and industry leaders around the world have scrambled to put measures into place to keep the public safe and allow business to continue. The rapid action required rendered traditional development unfit for purpose revealing no code as the perfect solution.




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